sábado, enero 28, 2006


Aquí os dejo un estupendo ejemplo de holofonia. Para maximizar el efecto, escuchadlo a través de unos auriculares.

" Holophonia was born in Modena, Italy back in 1983.
This new 3D audio recording system has been invented, developed and patented by Mister Umberto Gabriele Maggi, musical technician (former Nomadi base player) and developer of a variety of other sound technologies.
In the ’80 Maggi opened a small sound research center at the Umbi studios in Modena, where he worked together with his brother Maurizio Maggi (famous sound engineer) and other sound technicians. In 1983, after a period of experiments, Maggi and his crew were able to create the first working “holophone”, a special microphone able to capture 3D sound in all its dimensions and surroundings, over - under -behind.
The first audio experimentations with this new microphone have been realized recording Pink Floyd for their album Final Cut.
Other experimental recordings were done with M. to Karaian – P. Gabriel – Jon Handerson – and many others."



At 11:40, Blogger Diego said...

En 2 palabras Im-Presionante. El dia que los videojuegos lleguen a ese nivel de realismo sonoro....

At 09:13, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esta informacion es herronea, el inventor verdadero es Hugo Zuccarelli, de Argentina y lo tiene patentado.

The information you've entered is wrong.
this Holophonic sound has been patented by the inventor Hugo Zuccarelli.

Defendamos a uno de los nuestros, al Sr. Hugo Zuccarelli le han intentado robar esta invencion.

At 00:21, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Muy interesante. En cierto modo el Dolby Headphone ofrece una sensación bastante realista a partir de material 5.1. No obstante lo que más me ha sorprendido de esta muestra ha sido la excelente percepción de la altura. Con esto se rompe una frontera que creía imposible, la del plano horizontal.

At 04:05, Blogger javier said...

Este invento pertenece a un argentino hugo zuccarelli, y ahora esta en argentina con un nuevo invento que va a cambiar el modo en que escuchamos y vemos los parlantes se va a terminar eso del 5.1, pero que quilombo con las patentes esta lleno de ladrones.

At 11:30, Blogger Unknown said...



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